Industrial vision systems for the building materials production

A new approach for your production
according to Industry 4.0 concepts


Neural networks

Computer vision


Building materials production

Development and integration of automated vision systems, to control the crucial parameters of your products

A deep understanding of modern information technologies and production needs makes our solutions in demand in such industries as:

Automatic quality control

Preventing the production of defective products

Minimization of the negative impact of the human factor
Concrete blocks manufacturing
Precast concrete manufacturing

Preventing the production of defective products

Minimization of the negative impact of the human factor

Autoclaved aerated concrete blocks production

Clay brick production

Preventing the production of defective products

Minimization of the negative impact of the human factor
Roofing materials production
Plywood, fiberboard, chipboard, drywall production

We see that even in the most conservative industries, modern technologies in computer vision, machine learning, digital assistants and quality control systems

can significantly increase efficiency.

Preventing the production of defective products

Minimization of the negative impact of the human factor
Collection and analysis of big data, which is now much easier to collect

Automatic generation of production reports


Digital operator assistant to reduce production losses in the production of paving bricks.

Turnkey solution focused on paving industry —
Производство тротуарной плитки

We share our implementation experience: we tell how automation changes performance indicators, how much does it cost, how the quality of the product changes.

Learn more about modern opportunities —

    About Quatromatic
    One of the key competencies of our team is artificial intelligence, machine vision and neural network image processing technologies.
    We have been dealing with these technologies for more than 6 years, we have implemented several large projects related to computer vision, including for product control in various industries.

    Also in our team are experts in the field of production of concrete bricks, who have built and operate several modern and efficient plants.

    We believe that modern technologies of computer vision, machine learning, digital assistants and quality control systems will significantly improve the efficiency of even the most conservative industries by minimizing the negative impact of the human factor, preventing the production of defective products, collecting and analyzing big data that was previously collected was impossible