Create a production control center for all lines and plants

Get the presentation QuatroPBC

The system automatically scans products on the conveyor, collects and processes information about each produced item, such as product height, defects rate.
Generates production reports based on this data
and sends them to any device.


Turnkey solution —

All reports are available in QuatroPBC user interface.
All your production statistics online - you control and improve production efficiency.

New quality for your production

How does QuatroPBC work?

QuatroPBC is installed on the wet side of the conveyor, after the press, before the curing chamber
QuatroPBC scans and takes photos of the pallet of products, detecting deviations in product height or density, as well as repeated defects in the facing layer
QuatroPBC generates all production statistics in real time for different periods of time - by day, by month, by season, and displayed on the user interface screen in the form of tables and graphs.
User-friendly interface is available for any kind of device.

It doesn’t allow any additional software and works in a regular web-browser.
Chat with a technical support team is embedded in QuatroPBC UI, it allows to solve any questions faster.

Daily report including information about all produced batches of products.


Custom Scripts for each employee

Daily report + monthly reports on defects ratios and average heights.

Quality control department

Real-time report with actual information about recently produced items.

Chief of production

Each specialist needs different data, for different periods of time, to solve their problems and increase personal effectiveness. When developing the QuatroPBC interface, the needs of each user were taken into account.

QuatroPBC sends daily reports via Email and Telegram


Developed by
QuatroPBC is your digital assistant: it works 24/7 and monitors the quality of each product in real time